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Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness

Fall 2016


Contact Info:

Ms. Erin Hill

Twitter: @mshillstigers


Conference Period: 2 and 3


Tools for Success

● Follow the class twitter account

● Check the class website daily

● Come to class prepared

● Participate in class, discussions, and labs

● Follow safety rules and procedures

● ASK FOR HELP! ­ I don’t expect you to know everything, ask questions and ask for help, that’s what I’m here for!!!



NO ZERO POLICY: Good news, you can’t get a 0 in my class! Any missed assignments, labs, tests will need to be made up.

Your semester grade will be made up of the following:

Minor Grades (20) = 40%

Major Grades (10) = 45%

Final Exam (written and skills) = 15%

*I will let you know ahead of time which grades are major and which are minor


Missed assignments : All assignments will need to be completed within one week for full credit Assignments will be deducted 5 points for each week past the due date If you are missing 3 or more assignments you will be required to complete them in class during lab time ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED


Labs will need to be made up either at home of during a make­up period. There will be 2 lab make up days scheduled during the semester.


If you miss an exam you will need to contact me to schedule a time to take it. Students are always welcome to retake an exam for a possible 90%. If you want to try your exam again you must meet with me to go over answers and schedule a retest.



*Please note, this is a HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL COURSE. Due to the inherent safety concerns in the kitchen lab, I expect all students to behave safely and with maturity. If at any time I see behavior that look unsafe for you or the other students, I will remove you from the lab.*


All students must pass the lab safety exam with a minimum grade of 90% before participating in kitchen lab activities.


Please treat all lab equipment with respect. All tools used in your lab will be your responsibility. Tools will be checked out to you and are expected to be returned clean and in working order. Some kitchen tools will require collateral (your cell phone or other) to be checked out.


Lab attire is required on lab days. Students must wear closed toe shoes and any student with shoulder length hair or longer will need to put hair in a hair tie.



Whew, now that we have all that out of the way, I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting semester. Ms. Hill

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